Concerning the Human Relations Commission

Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint

By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, The San Diego Voice and Viewpoint

It appears that some members of the County Human Relations Commission (HRC) are confused about their purpose. The Commission should understand that the very nature of “human relations” is diversity seeking to make room for differences. Let us pause and remember a few very important points. (1) The Commission was created by the County Board of Supervisors, with each one given the right to make appointments. At no time was there an expressed or implied requirement that those appointments need satisfy anyone other than those making the appointments; (2) On the motion that created the current controversy, Pastor Hodges only sought to “abstain”. It was others insisting on the reason, which they probably already knew, since it was known that Pastor Hodges is a minister. When pushed, the explanation he offered came from the Bible, the foundation scripture of his faith. There is no universal reference to scripture being called “hate speech”.

Now this whole matter has dissolved into a campaign to remove a duly appointed member of the HRC because of offense taken “with” what was said rather than the context in which the biblical explanation was given to the questions asked. Does this mean that whenever we speak to someone and they give us an answer we are “uncomfortable with” we have a right to call their response “hate speech”? We the public should be very careful to understand all the issues before we engage in signing “form” letters of support on any side of an issue. If the Commission can not get beyond this issue, then perhaps it should be dissolved and former Supervisor Leon Williams’ name should be removed, lest we misrepresent him with the Commission named after him.