Greater Life Church Holds Social Justice Expo

Open forum addresses social issues affecting our community

PHOTOS: TJ Dunnivant

By TJ Dunnivant

Last Saturday, Social Justice Ministry conducted an open forum to speak about social issues affecting our district.  Inside one of the larger meeting rooms at the church, guest speakers were tabled and ready to speak about topics that included mental health, foster care, justice, politics, fentanyl crisis, and voter registration.  There were several leaders, advocates, and mothers in the room that had plenty to add to the speaking points of the community.  

Social justice advocates, Pillars of the Community spoke to the audience about knowing your rights and restorative justice alternatives.  Much of what was being discussed seemed to be topics that were already familiar to the audience. However, the legal advice, court advocacy, and other organizations knowing about one another was key to the community as a resource when their loved ones are caught on the wrong side of justice. 

To find out more about knowing your rights or to set up a “Know your Rights” training in your community, contact Malcolm at Pillars of the Community at [email protected].