Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,

I am writing about the incident about the highway patrol officer beating the black woman. When I saw it on T.V. tears came to my eyes. I was not shocked, but hurt. I am a Black woman myself, and the first thing I thought was that it could have been one of my family members.

A grown man beating a woman, it doesn’t matter what she did. There was no cause for that. We live in a world where no one really cares unless one of their family members was effected. What will it take for us people of color to wake up? Yes, it was another Rodney King type situation, but this time it was a woman. When will it stop? I am going to keep up with this. Justice needs to be served. Not blind justice. I hope you do keep this up in your paper, and start a letter writing campaign and put my name on the list. I would like to see this through. And they call this America…for who? This is a wake up call. The whole world is watching.


Gail Jennings