By Brian Goodin
Photos by Brian Goodin
It’s a cause for celebration in times like these that we are living in to have close to 100 people in attendance on a Saturday morning on the corner of Euclid & Imperial at Greene Cat Liquors to be counted in the 2020 Census “My Black Counts.” Saturday, August 29 men, women and children showed up from 10:00am until noon armed with all the rules and tools of social distancing and setting a fine example of how Southeastern citizens stay safe in this world of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a little bit warmer than perfect weather there was a parking lot full of participants to not only be counted but to be treated to some goodies like reusable shopping bags, writing pens and social service information pertaining to the area. There was also free BBQ courtesy of caterer, Anela’s Kitchen, which seemed to put everyone in the comfort zone.
It was noted that 61 registered for the census at the event, and 53 registered last week, a record for a two hour span this year.
The success of this event can be attributed to the Event Organizer, Carleton Overstreet Jr.; the hosts: Stacy Butler, Roosevelt Williams II , and IseB., caterer Anela’s Kitchen; and community partners: Friends for Friends Foundation, WrongKind Records, Greene Cat Liquors, YBnNB, Census 2020, Vans Shoes, SD Strike Force, Pillars of the Community, and Xtina Geri.
Mr. Overstreet, Jr. stated, “Week in and week out, team work is making the dream work. May the community carry on.” The parking lot of Greene Cat Liquors reflected exactly that…people coming together for the benefit of the Southeastern community.