La Mesa Celebrates Freedom for Juneteenth

The well-known and well-liked MLK Choir sung songs of praise and God's Glory, and spoke on some historical truths about the shameful scourge of the slavery experience.  

PHOTOS: Darrel Wheeler

By Darrel Wheeler, Contributing Writer

Juneteenth weekend continued on Sunday the 16th, allowing attendees to mix and mingle with the community of La Mesa.

MacArthur Park was “vibing” with an Afrocentric flair, people were allowed to express their feelings, support a variety of creative vendors, receive valuable information on health, transportation, and education to name a few.

African rhythm dancers entertained the very appreciative audience with an array of fancy footwork and rhythm as they grooved to the lively drum beats. 

The well-known and well-liked MLK Choir sung songs of praise and God’s Glory, and spoke on some historical truths about the shameful scourge of the slavery experience.  

Good eats and other treats were also part of the festive event.

La Mesa’s Juneteenth Committee was able to squeeze in a lot of historical information and live entertainment in a four hour window at this year’s Third Annual La Mesa Juneteenth & Friends Celebration of Life Freedom & Community Day.

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