PHATCAMP Girls Summer Softball League

PHOTOS: Darrel Wheeler

By Darrel Wheeler, Contributing Writer

For four Sundays, starting on June 30th until August 4th, six teams are competing for bragging rights, laughs, exercise, fellowship, and some community building. Oak Park, on 5235 Maple St, is the location for “fun under the sun” softball games with an added sense of purpose.

Sundays at the Park are turned into a vendor’s paradise with plenty of treats, a BBQ  with a family reunion BBQ-like ambience, complimentary music, and some parking issues. 

The PHATCAMP Organization has been on a mission for 17 years to develop programs to encourage, inspire leadership, and equip individuals who are typically underrepresented with health and wellness information.  

Those are just some of the many reasons why the PHATCAMP experience continues to be a very important community resource.

“PHAT stands for Pushing Hard Advocates Team,” said PHATCAMP’s fearless leader, Memee Hercan. “We started this 17 years ago with two teams now we have six teams and 92 players. We are so grateful for all the participation and support as we continue to collaborate with other community-based organizations.” 

The PHATCAMP non-profit organization and friends continue to support their community, one home run at a time!

For full stories and photos only published in print, pick up a paper at a newsstand near you, or check out the latest edition of our newspaper on Thursday each week.

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