There was lots of excitement and congratulatory remarks at the reception held for Harold (Hal) Brown. On Saturday, May 13th at the commencement ceremony for the College of Business Administration, the Board of Trustees of the California State University and San Diego State University conferred upon Harold K.Brown the honorary doctorate degree. On Saturday, June 3rd, Mrs. LaVerne Brown held a reception at their home to honor her husband.
Mr. Brown, now Dr. Brown, is described by the California State University Board of Trustees and San Diego State University as “a champion of civil rights, a conservator of African American history and lifelong crusader on behalf of San Diego’s underrepresented communities”.
The reception was attended by more than a hundred of Hal’s long time supporters and friends. The President of San Diego State University, Dr. Elliot Hirshman attended and gave some remarks. Also in attendance were the San Diego State University Provost, Interim Dean of the College of Business Administration, and the Dean of the University’s Library. When asked about the reception, Mrs. Brown said “I am very happy for Harold. He is so deserving of this honor. He has spent his whole adult life volunteering his time to serving the African American and other underserved communities, and he continues doing so today”. Dr. and Mrs. Brown will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this month.