Too often we don’t pause to say “Thank You” to people who continue to give to this community. So many of us have no idea of the financial cost, especially when the participation of those for whom events are given, can fail to reach expectations. “Jazz At The Creek” was clearly such an event this Labor Day Weekend. The cost was evident by the set up; the beautiful and professional Sound Stage, the vendors, tents, modern-day restrooms, and a fenced-in grassy knoll for the community to sit back in the shade and enjoy. All of this costs time, money and preparation, not to mention the cost of transportation, housing, and feeding the many performers present. Already, Dr. Thompson is busy planning next year’s event.
Kudos to the sponsors and perhaps, next year there will be more of them.
The City and the Community have already lost some great events like the Encanto Street Fair, Gold Coast Classic and Street Scene which used to fill the Gaslamp District every September. We now have a generation who know nothing of the fun and joy of the events just mentioned. If we can’t bring those back, let’s support the ones we still have. Thank You, Dr. Leonard Thompson, lll, your wife, and the host of volunteers who helped you make this event possible.