‘Art in the Park’ Takeover!

A person’s environment plays a key role in emotional and mental development. Many simply adapt to their surroundings, in the hopes of fitting in. But healing begins with thoughts and vibrations that manifest in the physical. 

PHOTOS: Malachi Kudura

By Malachi Kudura

Sunday, October 29th was the Art in the Park “Park Takeover” at Mary Widman Park in Encanto. It was a day to reflect on self, mind, body, and soul through the expression of art. This sunny day was perfect for “Art in the Park” and guest speaker J Emanuel Hodge to fuse the worlds of art & health. J Emanuel Hodge is a Meta-Physical & Integrative Medicine Physician.

There were many pieces of art displayed, created by the students of Kwaku Abdallah who is Program Director & Master Teacher at Beta-Selam Academy. Some painted artworks were displayed on doors in hopes of raising funds for the academy. 

“It’s important for us to be another option for education,” said Kwaku Abdallah, who has been teaching for many years. 

A person’s environment plays a key role in emotional and mental development. Many simply adapt to their surroundings, in the hopes of fitting in. But healing begins with thoughts and vibrations that manifest in the physical. 

Guest speaker, Hodge, from the Meta-Healing Balancing Center stated, “We have been trained to dim our light, and not allow ourselves to truly shine as created.” He continued, “We must step into our destiny of greatness.” 

Art in the Park provided the perfect dose of culture, food, education, and art. Events like this highlight the importance of community, health and artistic expression. It reminds us of the importance of teaching positive communication to the next generation and how to keep our mind, body, and soul healthy through art.

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