Bernard Wells III, affectionately known also as Carnation, Boops, Mumpz, Fat Fat, Fats, Lil’ B, B., Ta-Turd, Herkules, Body Guard, Lil’ Herk and Young Herk was gifted to Bernard II and Tiffani Wells on July 10, 1985 in San Diego, California. Growing up, Ta-Turd was funny, fun-loving, full of jokes, bad, sweet, loving, caring and adorable. He could, and would make you laugh and cry at the same time. In 1988, the family moved from San Diego to Texas, and made it their home until 1996. Lil’ Herk attended elementary school while in Texas and upon returning to San Diego, he attended O’Farrell Jr. High and graduated from East Lake High School. Lil’ B always had a passion for sports, and excelled in soccer, basketball, football, swimming, Tae Kwan Do, and recently earned his Certification as a Personal Trainer. Like all of us, Bernard had his demons, but the Herkules in him was determined to win the battles. In 2011, Young Herk met his soul mate, La’Seana Davis, who later became his fiancée and the Mother of his seed, Golden King Wells, born November 11, 2015. Needless to say, Golden was Bernard’s pride, joy and the highlight of his life. Golden was his reason, which rendered him a dedicated father. Not only was Golden his pride, joy, highlight and reason, he IS his twin. When you look at Golden, you’re looking at Boops, Mumpz, Fat Fat, Fats, Lil’ B, B., Popz…Bernard’s gift to the world. Bernard, his brother Rodney and sister Eboni had that “special” sibling bond. You know the one. “I can mess with you, but nobody else better” bond. They practiced it well! The love they share with one another is unbreakable. Bernard will forever hold a special place in the hearts of his siblings. Bernard III leaves to grieve his departure, but to cherish the time they were blessed to share with him, his parents, Bernard Wells II and Tiffani Ethridge. Bernard leaves a village to keep the memories of his short life span alive for a lifetime. He leaves to carry on his memory: Golden King Wells (Son), Bernard Wells II (Father), Tiffani Ethridge (Mother), La’Seana Davis (Fiancée), Rodney T. Wells (Brother), Eboni Wells (Sister), Joyce Wells (Grandmother), Bernard Wells, Sr. (Grandfather), James Ethridge, Sr. (Grandfather), James Ethridge, Jr. (Uncle), Toi Ethridge (Aunt), Aryka, Mia, Justin and Tasia (Cousins) Bernard (Mumpz, Ta-Turd, Fats) will be greeted by his Grandmother, Mama Duchess and Uncle Bruise!! Rest in your peace! You’re free! Visitation was held Saturday, August 6, 2016 at Anderson-Ragsdale Mortuary Memory Chapel.