The refugee experience is one that is truly unique, and through a plethora of circumstances, thousands of displaced individuals and families arrive in San Diego every year. Often times coming from life altering, traumatic experiences – refugees have an exceptional time adjusting to a new culture and way of life. On Sunday, September 8 from 9 am to 3 pm, the Bright Futures Foundation of America, Inc. will host a Day of Beauty at the office of the Alliance for African Assistance for San Diego refugees.
“The day will encompass many different things and meet a variety of needs,” shared Monica Nelson, a volunteer coordinator with the Alliance. Bright Futures Foundation is an organization that hosts events such as Day of Beauty with a focus on helping women who are in challenging situations. “One of their pledges is: ‘I pledge to be nonviolent, respect my body and the earth,’” said Nelson. “Everyone who makes this pledge will receive a bracelet on the Day of Beauty.”
The mission of BFF of America is to encourage survivors of domestic violence to rebuild and empower their lives through workshops in health, beauty and fitness education.
Former Alliance volunteer who now volunteers with BFF of America, Lisbet Perez, spearheaded the Day of Beauty; an idea conceived through her experiences as a volunteer with the Alliance. “Getting a chance to see our clients and the ones we serve, she thought it would be a great opportunity to come and help our refugees once she started volunteering with BFF.”
Nelson echoed Perez’s sentiments, adding that this day is especially important in assisting refugees in the adjustment process of acclimating to the U.S. culture.
Services to be offered during the day of pampering include haircuts and styles, manicures, eyebrow threading, facials, hand and back massages, make-up, dress for success, photo shoots and bracelets representing non-violence for children to braid.
“We [the Alliance] actually have a thrift store and we give our refugees a chance to go there and get free clothes for job interviews, because sometimes they come here with nothing. By giving them this opportunity to get a free haircut and a back massage – and really make them feel special – we’re showing that we value their ambition in moving to the U.S,” said Nelson. Though they may not be familiar with all the customs in the States, Day of Beauty aims to take care of the women attendees and let them know that they are valued.
Also a feature of Day of Beauty will be a clothing drive. Volunteers and supporters are encouraged to bring used and gently worn articles of clothing suitable for job interviews and business attire.
“We have a pretty big store and it can be a little overwhelming not knowing where to start,” said Nelson about the Alliance’s thrift store. “So we’re specifically asking people to donate used, fairly worn dresses, men’s slacks, blazers – anything they have that our refugees could use in a job interview.” Nelson also expressed a desire to equip each woman attendee with a bottle of nail polish; a small memento from the day to celebrate each woman’s beauty.
Nelson advised that there will be food reflecting the many different cultures – coming from a variety of restaurants.
“I think it will be very educational on our end, to see these dynamics. Want everyone to know what is available to them, but that it is not required to participate in all services offered,” said Nelson with regards to cultural sensitivity. “It’s really about coming and getting the services that you want and feel comfortable with.”
“We will have a good mix with the different refugees and will be as inclusive as we can possibly be,” shared Jessica Sparkman with Alliance for African Assistance. “The diversity of the atmosphere is going to be amazing, especially with us all coming together and building this community, connecting the Alliance with BFF and then the greater community.”
The Alliances rests on the principle of being all-inclusive, turning away no one. “This will be a great day of advocacy, community and beauty,” said Sparkman.
For more information on Day of Beauty, please contact Monica Nelson at 619.286.9052 ext. 293 or email at [email protected].