The San Diego County Library goes mobile with a free new application that lets you use smartphones, tablets and e-Book readers to visit the library. You can browse through the digital book stacks, check your account, request items, place them on hold or renew items you’ve already checked out without ever stepping foot in a library branch or logging onto your home computer.
Even better, the app allows you do download eBooks on to your device. Wondering whether that new best-seller at the bookstore is available at the Library? Use the app to scan the ISBN barcode, see if the Library owns a copy and if so, place a hold on it.
“I mentioned this free new app was coming in the State of the County address,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Greg Cox. “It gives you access to more than 33 million – yes, 33 million – books, movies and music CDs on your smartphone wherever you have service whether you’re at the beach, the mountains or anywhere in between.”
Check to see which events are going on at which branch, and then find the location, the phone number, hours and directions on how to get there.
“The San Diego County Library opened its doors 100 years ago,” said Library Director José Aponte. “Now as we celebrate our centennial, we’re launching an app that goes far beyond the imagination of anyone living at that time. But one thing that has remained constant throughout the years is a commitment to provide free, open access to information and services.”
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