By Conita Butts, Church Liaison Journalist
Starting on Thursday, May 19, and ending Saturday, May 21, San Diego was the host of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) International Youth Department Southwest Regional Rally. The theme was ‘Elevate’ and was held at St. Stephen’s Church with a plethora of youth-based activities throughout the days and with worship service in the evening.
The rally began with a musical Thursday evening with youth and adults attending from as far away as Las Vegas and ended Saturday with a very-well attended ‘U-Rally’ and morning worship service.
“We had more than 350 people registered to attend the Rally. The entire event was free; you didn’t have to pay to attend service. We wanted our youth to be blessed and to leave feeling motivated, loved, and excited about loving God,” stated Evangelist Tinsley. “Although it was a COGIC event, several bishops and pastors attended from non-denominational churches and organizations, and we are so grateful to God for them.”
Evangelist Tahiti Tinsley, a native of Chicago, has been in San Diego for many years, after matriculating from Escondido by way of the military. She received her start working with youth from her late pastor, Pastor Vernon Cooper, was appointed to youth leadership under the late Bishop George D. McKinney.
Evangelist Tinsley continued her quest to help and work with youth. Her commitment to the youth led
her to greater responsibilities. She is currently the Assistant to the International Youth leader for the International Church of God in Christ, for which she credits God for her ecumenical promotions.
Host Pastor, Elder Glen McKinney, son of the late, Bishop McKinney and First Lady Jean C. McKinney, shared his perspective on the Rally and how St. Stephen’s benefitted, “Being that we have come out of lull due to COVID, it has had a wide effect on all of us in some way, but to come together and worship God, and really get back to our roots, has been a wonderful experience.”
Pastor Glenn’s face lit up and his voice lifted as he further shared, “For me, personally, it has been very therapeutic because just last year on March 20th, I lost my father, who is the Founder of this church. He pastored for almost 58 years and to have events like this was very common under his leadership. Now that he’s gone, this type of event has been therapy for me. Just being in the house of the Lord with all the young people and all the saints of God, and just being here praising God together, and sending a message that no pandemic can stop people who are unified and seeking God together; nothing can stop it. Events like this will bring us back to a place of empowerment. God’s power is working through us to reach the lost.”
In an interview with Aljenon Cooper, one of the Southwest Region Vice Presidents, he had this to say about the Rally: “It is comprised of eight [COGIC] Jurisdictions in Southern California. Then we have Nevada and a jurisdiction in Arizona, and each year the International Youth Department hosts a rally in various areas. It is a time for young people to come and receive spiritual training. This year we have opportunities for financial literacy, job placement, HBCUs, and we are excited about what God is doing in the lives of our young people.”
Vice President Cooper went on to share his goal to “equip our young people to be successful in every facet of life. There are so many people hurting, that are broken and there are young people that don’t know that there is a God that loves them and cares about them, regardless of what they had to deal with or go through.”
The event hosted several vendors, including Thrivent, a financial education firm, jewelry sellers and others. Children were engaged in coloring, and more children’s activities under the watchful eyes of adults.
Local supporting jurisdictions of the event were California Second Jurisdiction, represented by Evangelist Tinsley and Seantea Stewart and Southern California Fourth Jurisdiction, represented by Pastor Rodney Taylor and First Lady CeCe Gray.
Friday night’s message was delivered by the COGIC International Youth Department President, Bishop Nathaniel Green, Sr. of Dallas, Texas. Saturday’s Mid-Day message was delivered by Evangelist Tinsley.