Community Health Awareness Revival “For Our Minds” & REEL Teens Fundraiser

Lead organizer Terry Robinson // Tihut Tamrat

By Tihut Tamrat, Contributing Writer

On Saturday, August 3rd, St. Stephens Cathedral Church of God in Christ hosted a mental health awareness event to raise funds through vendors and auctions for the youth of the REEL Teens Program. Although a small youth turnout, parents and pastors showed up for their kids to highlight the benefits of the program. REEL, which stands for Reaching, Engaging, Empowering, and Loving, is dedicated to providing a safe haven of love, support, and fun for teenagers while promoting Spiritual growth and service to the community.

The service started with director of “We Need to Talk” Men’s Health Forums and organizer of the event, Terry Robinson, addressing the need for mental health awareness in the black community, “We’re here today to understand [mental health] because we don’t like to talk about it.”

“Ironically, when I took a poll of the number one class [Men’s Health Forums] offered, mental health was number one, so we’re here keeping this going,” continued Robinson.

Next up, Claude Bell, along with pianist and violinist, gave his appreciation to the youth, and sang with extraordinary soulful grace that had people singing along while he belted notes that could give goosebumps for a year!

James Wiley Jr., Founder and President of REEL Teens program, gave an inspiring speech about the need for the continuation of the program, “We aim to reach [our teenagers], engage them, empower them, and show them love that they would gravitate towards that would make them better people.”

“This is just a way to bring kids in from off the streets, to put them around loving and caring adults who can build relationships with them and disciple them,” urged Wiley. 

Hornet Pastors William Terry and Chaplin Sylvia Galvez also spoke to invigorate youth on topics surrounding the importance of higher self-esteem, good health, and how crucial it is to self-regulate your anger. 

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After such influential and motivational words of wisdom, Deb Reynolds DINE-O-BITE Links, Dogs, and Pies and Rick Farmer’s Meat Stall Barbeque provided delicious links and barbeque for everyone to indulge. Dresses were also auctioned off to give funds to keep the amazing work going.