Today, Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Council President Georgette Gómez, Councilmember Monica Montgomery and San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit announced the ban on the use of the carotid restraint by the San Diego Police Department.
As chair of the Committee on Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods (PS&LN), Councilmember Monica Montgomery has been a strong proponent of police reform through transparency and accountability measures. The workplan for the PS&LN committee outlined several police reform and accountability measures, including looking at the continued use of the carotid restraint (chokehold).
Councilmember Montgomery issued the following reaction:
“I am thrilled with this tangible action taken by Mayor Faulconer and Chief Nisleit to ban the use of the carotid restraint. The in-custody of George Floyd, that sparked nationwide outrage and protest, has further underscored the need for accountability and transparency measures.
“Community organizations, such as the Racial Justice Coalition, the NAACP and the Coalition for Police Accountability and Transparency have long advocated for the ban on this -sometimes deadly – use of force.
“This ban will put San Diego at the forefront of strong use of force policies that will help to set the standard across the nation and will undoubtedly save lives of both community members and officers. I will continue to support measures that address police accountability and transparency, and look forward to ongoing discussions to effectuate meaningful change, and address the inequity in enforcement, and systemic racism.”