By Tihut Tamrat, Contributing Writer
On Saturday May 25th, Realty Masters & Associates and LendiHome partnered with the Ethiopian Community Center to host their first ever First-Time Home Buyer Seminar, offering translation services in Amharic and continental breakfast for attendees. In attendance were Aster Keleta, Former Program Development Director at Village Coalition and Current Director of Mag Children House, and Anne Hoiberg, Chair of Nile Sisters Development Initiative, among members of the Ethiopian Community and Zoom participants interested in buying their first home. The hosts, Yolanda Cordova and Tamrat Seyoum, presented a myriad of information for the Ethiopian Community to try to curb the misrepresentation of immigrants and minorities in the housing system here in San Diego.
Tamrat Seyoum, Real Estate Agent for Realty Masters & Associates, begins the event by providing five useful products that are beneficial for a successful life including information about the pre-approval loan process, living trusts, real estate buying and selling processes, index life insurance(presented by Eyerusalem Kassahun on zoom), and legal shield programs, inspiring listeners into homeownership.
“You can do your own research first and decide to buy a home, you have to have that desire. You have to save money for the downpayment and have your credit improved. Having a personal budget set up, will help in getting you your first home,” urged Tamrat Seyoum.
After an insightful look into the realm of realty, it was evident that home-buying will save and make more money in the long run than renting so long as passive home buying is done six months in advance to get you into the active home-buying process quicker, closing the process sooner, and into your home as the owner today!
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