By Edward Henderson, California Black Media
With the California recall election fast approaching Sept.14, here are five important things you should know about it.
What’s on the Ballot
The recall election ballot will feature two questions:
1) Do you want to recall the governor?
2) Who would you like to replace him?
If more than 50% of voters elect to recall the governor, the candidate with the most votes to replace him will win the governorship. Here is a complete list of the certified candidates from the California Secretary of State.
You Can Vote Now … From Home
Every voter has the option to vote by mail. All vote by mail ballots come with a postage paid envelope. If it is post marked by election day (September 14th) your ballot may be cast at no cost without a stamp. Voters also have the option to drop off their mail in ballot at any polling place.
The Important Dates
If you are not registered to vote your voter registration must be postmarked or submitted online no later than August 30 for the September 14 election. You can conditionally register to vote at your polling location or county elections office up to the day of the election.
On election day polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Your Voter Rights Are Protected
The California Bill of Voter’s Rights has provisions in it that are intended to ensure free and fair elections across the state’s 58 counties. They include privacy assurances; voting assistance for people who might need help; the right to vote after polling stations close; avenues for reporting fraud; being able to vote as long as you have proof that you are a registered voter, among other rights.
If you believe you have been denied any of these rights or you’ve witnessed any election fraud or misconduct, call the Secretary of State’s confidential hotline at 800-345-8683.
You Can Track Your Vote
A new online tool has been created to help voters track their ballot from the time it is mailed to the time it is received and counted. Voters can sign up at WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov to receive email, text message or voice call notifications about the status of their ballot. To register, voters enter their name, date of birth and residential zip code.