“From Rags to Peace” Stacy Butler and Community Advocates Rally for Peace


A little over two weeks ago, 35 year old Jason Terrell Riley was gunned down in the 7900 block of Skyline Drive. Unfortunately this shooting is all too reminiscent of the many other countless homicides that have occurred in the Skyline area and in other parts of Southeast San Diego.  On August 1st a “Rags to Peace” rally was held on the corner of Skyline and Meadowbrook with the purpose of encouraging OG’s (original gangsters) from sets and races to come together, speak up, forgive one another, and dialogue about the plight of their families and their community.   Hosted by Stacy Butler with Peace & Unity for Our Community Coalition and the Urban League of San Diego County, Butler along with other concerned community members marched up and down the sidewalk, encouraging passersby to stop the violence.  Tasha Williamson, a community advocate and co-founder of the Compassion Project, was at the rally and gave some insight into what they were trying to achieve.

stacy butler“The purpose of the rally was to show that there are some OG’s and gangs who are tired of watching those they love die that they need services and opportunities.  They need a door to open, a community to forgive,   a business to employ them, a clinic, therapist to treat them and a village to love them.  Stacy Butler’s Peace & Unity For Our Community Coalition/ Urban League of San Diego County invited agencies out to connect individuals with services they request a need for that day.”  Williamson went on to share that what they ultimately hoped to accomplish was to connect individuals with services, as well as empower community members to get out and stand up for Peace. “Agencies came in full force to show that they are with us and be available to individuals to wrap around them with services,” she said.

Many who have resided in the Skyline area for years lent their support to Butler’s efforts. “The community on that block came out and informed us that they stand with us.  They are tired of the violence.  One community member described how bullet holes were riddled in homes along Skyline.  No matter race or background they stood side by side,” expressed Williamson.    “Mothers and family stood grieving for their sons lost due to the violence.  The youth said they just want to have fun, grow up and not die.  The youth that were there believe that they will die. That is not a healthy way to live but for them is a reality.”  Youth were heard asking Butler and he and his team could come to their schools and talk to the youth and the staff.  “We feel that everyone in the community can change that dynamics.”

Williamson and Butler will continue to rally for peace and support services for those who have limited access to them. “We are working on our Block by Block program that that will assist high risk gang members and their families with opportunities and services which include wrap around services implementing individualized, comprehensive services for individuals and families who have complicated multi-dimensional barriers.   We hope to change the culture that continues to exist in Southeastern that limits equality in many areas and major funding to the most needed neighborhood in the city.”   The “From Rags to Peace” rallies occur in different locations every Thursday at 5pm.  “We are seeking donations to help us get to Washington D.C. from Oct 2nd to Oct 5th to meet with other organizations/ agencies for a learning exchange meeting which will help us understand other programs and services that work that we may be able to implement in our San Diego work.  We will be learning about laws and policies from government officials that we meet with as well as discussing violent epidemic and the need for wrap around services in the natural environment, acknowledging the lack of and the need for funding that can help communities like Southeastern with wrap around services and trauma informed care,” said Williamson.  In addition they will participate in the International Million Youth March where Butler will be one of the keynote speakers. All Donations will assist with travel, lodging and food for four to Washington D.C.  All donations can be sent to San Diego Urban League located at 720 Gateway Center Dr. San Diego, CA 92102.  For more information on the upcoming rallies or their journey to D.C.,  you can email Tasha Williamson at [email protected].