Gamalie Adeli Mitchell
April 17, 1950 – August 26, 2016

Gamalie Adeli Mitchell was a precious gift given from God to Alejandro and Evelia Arrocha on April 17, 1950 in Las Tibias, Panama. She was raised in the country of Panama where she received her formal education. In 1974 she met and married the love of her life Wilbert Bruce Mitchell a solider from the United States Army. In January, 1975 Gamalie and Bruce moved to San Diego, CA and shortly after they were blessed with 2 loving sons, Lil Mitchell and Brandon. Gamalie was a solider for Christ at an early age and was a member at both Cornerstone and First Baptist Church of San Ysidro. Listening to music and dancing were her hobbies, however, selling Mary Kay was her passion. That’s because she wanted to make others look as beautiful as she was. Reminiscing on how God saved her life inspired the greatest desire of all, which was to teach others about God and His infinite love. She is preceded in death by her Father, Alejandro, Mother, Evelia, and Brother Rolando Arrocha; Mother-in-law, Patricia, two Sisters-in-laws, Kim and Renata Cody. On August 26, 2016, God called Gamalie home. Her life and memories are survived and cherished by her beloved husband Bruce; two loving sons Lil Mitchell (Janette) and Brandon (Magdalena); six dear brothers; Caesar, Chu, Jandito, Merari and Milton; six beautiful sisters; Arlenia, Chachita, Dicia, Doris, Gloria and Leyda; special brother-in-laws; Adrian (Rotunda) and Conyal Cody II, three attractive sister-in-laws; April, Denise and Pamela; five previous grandchildren; Audreena, Ayanna, Breannah, Chrystian, and Toro; long time friends over 30 years; Chava, Keritza, Kendra, and Patricio as well as a host of other family members and friends.