Get Registered and Ready, March 5th Primary Is Coming Soon

A look at the candidates running in your upcoming primary election

San Diego County Registrar of Voters will soon become a hot spot come March 5. PHOTO: Macy Meinhardt/ Voice & Viewpoint

By Macy Meinhardt, Voice & Viewpoint Staff Writer

As we are on the brink of the March 5th Primary election for local and state offices representing San Diego, now is the time to familiarize yourself with the candidates vying to shape the future of your community. 

Residents who are currently registered should expect to receive a ballot in the mail the week of February 4, 2024. Here is a look at some of the names voters should expect to see on the ballot starting from the State Senate down to Local City Council races. 

  1. United States Senator 

Roughly thirty candidates have filed for candidacy for California Senator. Democrat Laphonza Butler is the current incumbent and will retire at the end of her term. Notable challengers include U.S Reps. Katie Porter, Barbara Lee, Adam Schiff, and Steve Garvey. 


  1. Representatives in Congress – Districts 48-52 

District 48: Incumbent: Darrell Issa, Republican 

Three Democratic candidates will be coming for Darell Issa’s Republican representative seat. His challengers are: Stephen Houlahan (D), Matthew Rascon (D), Whitney Shanahan (D), Mike Simon (D), Lucinda Jahn (no party)


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District 49:Incumbent: Mike Levin, Democrat 

For district 49, four Republican candidates are lined up to take the seat currently filled by Democrat Mike Levin. Rep. Levin’s Challengers are: Sheryl Adams (R) Matt Gunderson (R) , Kate Monroe (R), Margarita Wilkinson (R).


District 50:Incumbent:  Scott Peters, Democrat 

Democrat Scott Peters will be running for another term for the 50th District. His challengers are: Timothy Bilash (D), Ryans Jerlilia (D),  Peter Bono (R), Solomon David Mosh (R).


District 51:Incumbent: Sara Jacobs, Democrat 

Democrat Sara Jacobs will be running for another term for the 51st District. Her opponents include: El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells (R) ,Stan Caplan (No Party) Hilaire Shioura “Fuji” (No Party), 

Challengers: Stan Caplan (no party), David Burton (no party),  Hilaire Shioura (no party), Barett Holman Leak (pending party preference), Bill Wells ®, 


District 52: Incumbent: Juan Vargas, Democrat

Democrat Juan Vargas will be running for another term. He has one challenger, Justin Lee (R)


  1. State Senate District 39 

District 39: Incumbent: Toni Atkins, Democrat, Retiring 

With Toni Atkins retiring and running for governor in 2026, three candidates are in the March 2024 race to take her seat: Akilah weber (D), George Moss (no party preference), Bob Divine (R)


  1. State Assembly- District 74-80 

District 74: Incumbent: Laurie Davis, Republican 

Laurie Davis will be re-running for her seat. She has one opponent in the race, Chris Duncan, Democrat.


District 75: Incumbent: Marie Waldron, Republican, retiring 

District 75 rep. Marie Waldron is retiring. Running to take her seat is: Christie Dougherty (D), Joy Frew (D), Kevin Juza (D), Carl DeMaio (R), Jack Fernandes (R), and Andrew Hayes (R)


District 76: Incumbent, Brian Maienschein, Democrat, retiring

Brain Maienschein is retiring to run for San Diego City attorney. Running for her seat is  Darshana Patel (D), Joseph Rocha (D) and Kristie Bruce-Lane (R)


District 77: Incumbent Tasha Boerner Horvath, Democrat

Tasha Boerner Horvath will be re-running for her seat. Her Challengers are : Henry Kupferstein (D), and James Browne (R)


District 78: Incumbent, Chris Ward, Democrat 

Running unopposed. 


District 79: Incumbent, Akilah Weber, Democrat, retiring

District 79 Rep. Akilah Weber will be retiring her position to run for state senate. Vying for her seat is Colin Parent, Democrat, LaShae Sharp Collins, Democrat, and Racquel Vasquez, Democrat. 


District 80 Incumbent: David Alvarez, Democrat

District 80 rep David A will be re-running for his seat. He is challenged by one opponent, Michael W. Williams (R) ______________________________________________________

  1. County Board of Supervisors, District 1, 2, & 3 

Seats for District board of Supervisors 1, 2, & 3 are open. Each incumbent in these seats will be re-running for their position, and each are faced by an opponent running from the opposite party. 

District 1: Incumbent, Nora Vargas, Democrat. 

Incumbent Nora Vargas, who is the current Chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors is faced by one challenger: Alejandro Galicia, (R) 


District 2 Incumbent: Joel Anderson, Republican 

Republican Joel Anderson will be challenged by Gina Jacobs. (D)  

Challengers: Gina Jacobs (D) 


District 3 Incumbent: Terra Lawson Remer, Democrat 

Democratic Incumbent Terra Lawson Remer will be challenged by former City of San Diego Mayor, Kevin Faulconer. 


  1. San Diego Mayor Incumbent: Todd Gloria, Democrat 

Incumbent Todd Gloria will be re-running for his position as Mayor. He will be challenged by Jane L. Glasson (R ), Geneviėve Jones-Wright, (D), Dan Smiechowski, (Independent) and Larry Turner (independent)


  1. San Diego City Attorney Incumbent: Mara Elliott, retiring 

Incumbent Mara Elliott will be retiring her role as San Diego City Attorney. Running for her position are Heather Ferbert, who is the current Chief Deputy City Attorney for Elliott, and Brian Maienschein, who is a current district 76 representative.  


  1. City of San Diego Council Districts: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 

Five seats will be open for the City of San Diego City Council. Each incumbent whose seat is up will be running again. 

District 1 Incumbent: Joe La Cava 

Running unopposed District 3 Incumbent: Stephen Whitburn

Challengers: Kate Callen, Colleen Cusack, Ellis T. Jones


District 4: Vacant 

Running: Henry Foster III, Tylisa D. Susberry, Chida Warren-Darby 


District 5: Incumbent Marni Von Wilburt 

Running unopposed 


District 7: Incumbent Raul Campillo 

Running unopposed 


District 9: Incumbent Sean Elo Rivera 

Challengers: Fernando Garcia, Terry Hoskins