WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the availability of up to $5 million to fund 16 or more Homeless Female Veterans and Veterans with Families grants. Approximately 1,900 veterans will receive job training and related services to help them succeed in civilian careers.
“Much too often, those who have given so much to the nation face a difficult transition to civilian life and struggle to find a job that matches their talents,” said acting Secretary of Labor Seth D. Harris. “The grants announced today will help provide support and job assistance for veterans and their families, and open doors for career opportunities.”
Funds for the grants are being awarded on a competitive basis to state and local workforce boards, local public agencies and nonprofit organizations, tribal governments, and faith-based and community organizations. Grantees must be familiar with the areas and populations to be served, and have demonstrated that they can administer effective programs and coordinate their efforts with various local, state and federal social service providers. Homeless female veterans and veterans with families may receive occupational, classroom and on-the-job training, as well as job search and placement assistance, including follow-up services.
The solicitation for grant applications is available at http://www.grants.gov. Potential applicants seeking more information should visithttp://www.dol.gov/vets or contact grants officer Cassandra Mitchell at 202-693-4570.