Hundreds of Local Elected Officials Call on Congress to Protect Safety Net Programs

Alliance San Diego


Following a preliminary vote on a federal budget that employs a fast-track reconciliation process and reduces funding for safety net programs such as Medicaid, 114 local elected leaders from across San Diego County are coming together to urge the entire Congressional delegation to safeguard nearly 1 million people in their districts who rely on Medicaid in the San Diego region, including children, young adults, and seniors, who make up half of that population.

“We, the undersigned local elected officials, are concerned about the proposed reconciliation package that would decimate programs and services in the county, and hobble state and local budgets, while at the same time giving $4 trillion in tax breaks to wealthy individuals and corporations. The House proposal would offset these tax breaks with deep cuts to the safety net that helps families provide healthcare for their children, put food on the table, and pursue their education,” The letter, sent Tuesday March 4 states.

Signed by elected officials who represent the region, including state legislators, county supervisors, city council members, community college and school board trustees, elected officials from fire, water, and health districts, and elected student leaders, the letter highlights that more than 170,000 people relying on health insurance under the Affordable Care Act in their Congressional districts would see their premiums increase “by over $2,000, according to the House Committee on the Budget.” It also condemns the deep cuts in the proposed budget to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) food aid, which more than 400,000 people in San Diego County rely on.

“All of these cuts,” the letter continues, “would offset an alarming expansion of a harsh and unaccountable immigration and border enforcement regime that undermines constitutional rights, rips communities apart, and does nothing to solve a broken immigration system.” One in every four people in California–and San Diego County–is an immigrant, and over half of all workers are immigrants or children of immigrants.”

To read the full letter and list of signees go to:

Alliance San Diego contributed to this report.