Justice or Else San Diego Local Organizing Committee

By JoAnn Fields – Contributing Writer
San Diego, CA: The Justice or Else San Diego Local Organizing Committee (SD LOC) met on Thursday, December 6, 2015, 6pm at the office of the San Diego Voice & Viewpoint located at 3619 College Ave, San Diego, 92115. The mission of the SD LOC is to build a strong coalition for Justice in San Diego and its surrounding areas.  Rhea Idris, Social Media Coordinator, SD LOC, “We understand we are fighting the war for Justice on two fronts, policy & personal accountability. We have to challenge the current policies in place that target and marginalize poor people and people of color unjustly; and we are calling on 10,000 fearless men and woman who are willing to be trained on conflict resolution, community safety and responsibility to reduce violence, crime and ultimately police presence in our neighborhoods. We want Justice, equal Justice under the law, we want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed, class or color.”

IMG_9684“The SD LOC derives from the spirit of the 10-10-15 Justice or Else March that took place in Washington DC. One of the instructions was to go back to your city and organize so we can restructure our community for the better together as one. The topics being focused on are economic, criminal justice, education, and health. I appreciate the fact the March served as a spring board to a call to action that is much needed locally, statewide and nationally,” states Jay Bowser, Co-Founder, Paving Great Futures.

“The evil that is in our community produced by us cannot be overlooked as we challenge our government for justice. We cannot pass by the killings, abuse and rapes, robberies and crimes we commit on one another and focus on the government as though we have done what needs to be done in our own backyard.  Our thrust toward the government is ever weakened by our lack of concern and adequate attention to what is going on in the inner cities. We must end the violence and stop the killings and present ourselves as a united front before the Government of the United States of America. Fredrick Douglas said, “Power concedes nothing except by a demand”. Our demand of government must be backed by the power of our unity and love of the brotherhood.” -The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

For more information regarding the SD LOC, contact Bro. David Muhammad, (619) 446-7538.