By Jeaneva Rose
Message of the week: The power we possess.
Women are the creators and soul of this world, and as a divine feminine being you have immense power to change the world. Believe in your magic and witness your power unravel. As children we always wanted to believe in magic, not realizing the magic we were searching for was always inside of us. You have the magic, power, and strength to do anything you truly want or desire. Become aligned with your true purpose and access your destiny. The Universe is waiting for you. So what are you waiting for…
~ Jeaneva Rose, your lady in the Universe.
Five Steps of the Law of Attraction/ Affirmations
- Decide your desire
- Ask the Universe
- Feel the emotion
- Show gratitude
- Let go and trust the Universe
Powerful book choices: The world is Y (Ours)~ Kurtis Lee Thomas, Yes Please~ Amy Poehler, The Secret~ Rhonda Byrne, Emma~ Jane Austen, Bad Feminist~ Roxanne Gay, Magic of Believing~ Claude Bristol, The Biology of Belief~ Bruce H. Lipton, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself~ Dr Joe Dispenza
Crystals for power: Bloodstone~ Aids us in achieving our goals while remaining grounded. Diamond~ Banishes fears. Red Jasper~ Increases courage and willpower. Tigers Eye~ Wealth and protection. Amethyst~ Spiritual growth.
Positive change for the week: Accessing your power, Ladies. This week focus on your wants and desires and watch them expand into a harmonious union of your reality.
“Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.” ~Eckhart Tolle