Michelle Anders


Michelle Anders, most lovingly named “Pooch” by friends and family, was born October 10th, 1962 in San Diego, CA. She attended and graduated from Morse High School.

Michelle had a laugh that could light up a room. Her kind, loving nature inspired everyone in her life to be kinder to others. She was a devoted Christian and faithful member of the Raven Street Church of Christ in San Diego. She was a godly woman whose character outweighed all of her perceived flaws. Her combativeness was her strength. Michelle knew just what to say for the point to stick. Her bluntness could illuminate even the darkest of shadows. Her life was an open book. If you were to ask, she’d answer your questions sincerely with a humble smile, but her stubbornness could break any bind.

Whatever situations Michelle was in, it would always end well for the benefit of all involved. Blessed and highly favored from God, there would always be a way. She was perfect. The love and genuine care she had for others was unmatched. Watching her shed light on how virtuous people in this world could be. How honesty, integrity, and charm could heal not only her offspring, but an entire lineage of women who walk in her footsteps.

Michelle passed on April 10, 2023. In her passing she joins mother Lucille Anders and brother John Anders II. Left to treasure her memories are daughter Alexis Kaskins and grand-daughter Lucia. She will be dearly missed.