By Voice & Viewpoint Newswire
People flocked to Derby Street this past Saturday where San Diego transplant, Pastor Nate Stewart of Greater Life Church, set up to host his first-ever book signing, for his first-ever book. The space was beautifully decorated for the celebration, a dessert table showcased delicious treats from local caterer Ms. Brown Butter, and the room was full of excited patrons ready to have their copies signed.
“Burn out, exhaustion, disappointment, public and private struggles….the ministry is truly in crisis! Pastors and support leaders are stepping down from their respective roles in droves, leaving many churches unequipped to persevere and grow. People are looking for leaders, and Pastors are looking for support.”
Thus begins the introductory passages of the new book by Pastor Nate, who delivers practical principles, along with biblical and anecdotal examples to both encourage and grow other leaders serving in the support chair role.
Several Pastors and other community leaders came by on Saturday to show their support, and to offer words of praise and encouragement. Among them: Pastor Terry Brooks, Pastor Richard Miller, Pastor Shante Cephus, Pastor Cedric Baltrip, Pastor Errick Gaffney, Pastor Virgil Ward, Pastor Donell Townsend, Pastor Kadri Webb, and Councilmember Monica Montgomery Steppe.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the room when Pearlie Cotton read the book dedication, and the entire event was a huge overall success. “The Servant’s Playbook – Survival Strategies For Success In The Support Chair” currently holds an Amazon ranking of #1 Release in Christian Preaching. This book is considered by supporters to be a great read for not only executive leaders, but also for anyone with a heart or calling to serve…in any capacity.
For more information on Pastor Nate’s book, email: [email protected] or call 619.948.3610.