Voice & Viewpoint Newswire
Planned Parenthood Action Fund of the Pacific Southwest is pleased to announce its endorsement of Shirley Weber for re-election to the California State Assembly. After a careful analysis of the candidate’s voting record and public statements, the Action Fund has determined that Weber is 100% committed to protecting women’s health. Most notably, she supported legislation that advances access to safe and legal abortion care, making California the only state to expand access in 2013.
“The more voters learn about candidates’ positions on women’s health, the more likely they are to support the candidate that trusts women to make their own health care decisions,” says Nora Vargas, Vice President of the Action Fund.
“As a leading women’s health advocate, Planned Parenthood Action Fund of the Pacific Southwest is uniquely positioned to talk to voters about these issues,” says Vargas. “Women listen and trust us when we share information about where the candidates stand on issues important to their health care.”
Weber joins a long line of elected officials who are standing up for women and families and supporting policies that advance the health and safety of California’s residents.