San Diego’s Positive FACE (Fostered, Adopted, and Children Excel) in partnership with Delta Teachers Efficacy Campaign (DTEC) is seeking K-6 certified teachers to apply for acceptance into The Teacher Efficacy Academy (TEA) by 3/8/15, which will help participants enhance instructional strategies, close achievement gaps and broaden participant’s knowledge on how to best educate students in urban school districts. Funded by the Delta Research and Educational Foundation (DREF) in collaboration with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the DTEC – the campaign that is also funding TEA; has a mission to address student engagement, instructional strategies, classroom management, culturally responsive teaching, and literacy/math content within San Diego schools.
Since Positive FACE shares a similar mission to improve educational opportunities extended to students; the board and its team are excited about being selected as the San Diego host organization and facilitators for the San Diego Town Hall Advocacy Sessions, which the first session will take place, Saturday – September 19, 2015. The DTEC -Town Hall Advocacy Sessions are open to the community (i.e. church members, educators, parents, and concerned community advocates), in efforts to have preliminary dialogue surrounding disparities and opportunities for improving education within the city of San Diego. The town hall will serve as a kick-off of sorts for the lucky participants accepted into the San Diego TEA.
The TEA is inclusive of a nine module online course extended to 180 other K-6 teachers across the nation. Outside of the on-line course work, TEA requires participants to attend a one time in person session between April and May of 2015, which will be compensated by a stipend to cover travel cost. By bridging, the gap between identifying one’s own self-efficacy, teachers can expect to correlate ways in which to improve teacher efficacy and student achievement as well as a receive a TEA certification at the completion of the course. To the discretion of the school districts, TEA academic completion hours may be recognized as professional development credits. Other benefits include teachers receiving a nominal first book grant, which can be used as a contribution to classroom libraries.
To apply or to learn more about TEA visit www.deltafoundation.net/Teacher-Efficacy or contact Dr. Johni Cruse-Craig, Project Director, DTEC @ (202) 347-1337 or email: [email protected]. For questions about the San Diego Town Hall Advocacy Sessions visit: http://www.positiveface.org, email [email protected] or call (619) 335-7858. Remember, the application deadline March 8, by 5p.m. EST deadline.