Praise & Glory’s Free Thanksgiving Feast At Malcolm X Library

PHOTOS: Darrel Wheeler

By Darrel Wheeler, Contributing Writer 

Celebrating their 10th year of giving, the Praise & Glory non-profit organization, in collaboration with friends, used the Malcom X Library to serve the community a free full course meal. 

”We decided that it would be better to serve a meal instead of giving away turkeys,” Alice Lloyd of Praise & Glory said. “Giving away turkeys is fine but some of the people we are dealing with are homeless. Having a turkey and nowhere to cook, it doesn’t mean anything.”

Last Saturday the all-you-can-eat feast featured traditional Thanksgiving Day foods complete with turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, some mean green beans, sweet potato pie, cake and much more. 

“A very special thanks goes out to cook, Miss Rhodes, and everybody else – they know who they are – for making this thanksgiving blessing possible,” Alice Lioyd shared.

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