Robbie Lee Hill


Robbie Lee Hill was born March 8, 1936, in Bolton, Mississippi, to Robert and Willie Mae Graham. Robbie Lee was the oldest of 11 children. Robbie was dedicated to her family, displayed by her unwavering drive to help. Robbie helped her parents care for her younger siblings and even took a job while in high school to help the family. Robbie Lee was a visionary and a self-starter.

One day in 1951, while working at Miss Hattie’s Cafe, Robbie noticed George Hill, who was captivated by her beauty and would often stop by as he worked at the Booker T. Theater across the street. Upon relentless bombardment of compliments and ordered meals, Robbie became George’s answer to prayer and helpmate on April 4, 1955. George joined the Navy, and they were off to start a new adventure together. The journey began in Jackson, Mississippi, where Robbie Lee gave birth to Marian Hill (Foster) and Dorene Hill (Smith). They then moved to Baltimore, Maryland, Oakland, California, where Judy Renea Hill (Flenoid) was born, and in 1965, they settled in San Diego, CA, where she gave birth to George L. Hill Jr. and Robert Lemont Hill. George retired as a Master Chief in 1985. She held down the home and faithfully served 34 years along with him as a Navy wife.

She lived her life according to scripture. She was a helper to her husband, a mother to her children, and a keeper of her house. Robbie was instrumental in rearing her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She would host weekly Bible study for the family where Pastor Foster would teach. It was her joy to cook and bake for every holiday and watch her family enjoy her food. Robbie Lee always made herself available to guide, talk, teach, listen and was extremely trustworthy. Her house was full of laughter and joy when the family got together. Her goal was to ensure that her family knew our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and stayed close together.

Robbie Lee served the Lord with gladness. She served as a Deacon’s Wife, Choir coordinator, motherboard member and never missed an opportunity to serve. Robbie Lee’s wisdom was unrivaled. She would always tell us to, “Get mad and get glad”, instructing us to always move forward through the difficult times that life will throw at us. In 1996, Robbie Lee became a business owner. She came up with the idea to open a music business in her community that would serve the youth. Robbie Lee loved to be at S.D.Y.A.M.A and serve the kids. She loved to see the children develop in their music and arts.

God called Robbie Lee home on August 13, 2024.

Robbie Lee Hill is survived by her siblings; Robert Graham, Annie Mae Kellum, Albertha McDavid, Lillian Morris, Hubbard Graham, Bettye Graham, and Authurine Graham, 5 children, 10 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, extended family, and a host of others that she loved and cared for.