San Diego City Hall Needs to Make Nicholas Hoskins Whole

Mr. Hoskins was subsequently released, without transportation, no charges filed. It cost to get his window repaired, and not even an apology from the San Diego Police.

Dr. Warren Editorial

By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Newspaper

By now, the Chief of Police as well as the San Diego County District Attorney are aware of the Nicholas Hoskins’ police pretext stop, arrest and the impoundment of his vehicle after one of the arresting officers broke out his window. The video tape of the entire incident by Mr. Hoskins in real time clearly shows that he kept his cool. 

The encounter, supposedly, was because he did not come to a complete stop at a stop sign. We know that instead of a citation, Mr. Hoskins was forcefully removed from his car; it was searched without his permission and without a reason; he was handcuffed, placed in the back of a patrol car and subsequently transported to the downtown police station without ever being told he was under arrest.

He was not allowed to call or make arrangements for the pickup of his child which he was enroute to do and so informed the officers. He was denied a request for a supervisor; his car was impounded and his son was left for 3 hours waiting for his father to pick him up.  Mr. Hoskins was subsequently released, without transportation, no charges filed. It cost to get his car out of impound. It cost him his job. It cost to get his window repaired, and not even an apology from the San Diego Police.

The San Diego Risk Management Department, which could pay these costs to Mr. Hoskins has not responded to his complaint.

Mayor Gloria, Chief Operating Officer Dargan, City Council, do the right thing. Compensate Mr. Hoskins and enact new policies to prevent this kind of false pretext stop from happening again. Don’t leave it to the police to correct themselves.