By Tj Dunnivant
Staff Writer
When money management guru Rod Warren said he had a stack of bills on the table, he wasn’t referring to dollars. What he was referring to was $300,000 worth of debt that once belonged to him and has now been paid off.
Last Saturday at Total Deliverance Worship Center, Warren and his team gave a free seminar to show San Diego how to achieve the same financial freedom that he acquired. With a mountain of bills in rubber bands marked paid on them and a ring of hole-punched credit cards, Warren delivered a message that was worth hundreds more than what attendees paid for that day.
Commonly known as “The Common Sense Money Manager,” Warren is said to be one of the Nation’s youngest top business and financial expert. Warren’s main goal is to teach others to achieve financial success that unleashes their true potential of what and who they should be in life. Not to mention, Warren explained that everything he does is “biblically based” and founded with God first.
At Saturday’s seminar, Warren discussed a variety of financial topics. He discussed “how to” points in regards to credit repair and “what you need to stop doing” in regards to half done business practices. “Didn’t you like that there were registration cards on the table? Everything in here matched,” Rod said “Stop running around with business cards that are half dirty and bent up. Be serious about the business you are running.”
Rod went on to give a list of 10 signs that show you are financially lost and they include:
- You spend more than you make a year
- You don’t know how much you make per year
- Your car [note] is upside down
- You don’t know how much you owe on your car
- You think paying your credit card minimum is good
- You think paying the credit card minimum is good financial planning
- You have less than $1000 in the bank
- You aren’t sure if you’re saving enough
- You don’t know how much debt you have
- You’re making over $75k and you still feel financial pressure
Much of what Warren discussed was true to his title in that it was “common sense”, however sometimes people pay attention more when they hear it from someone else. “I never thought about adding something tangible to my business,” said Evette Porter-Moore, “As a genealogist I could have a calendar with African-American historical pictures on it or something.” Evette was so excited to get home and start working, she almost couldn’t wait for the seminar to be over.
As Rod began to wrap the seminar up, he grabbed the filled-in registration cards and began to do a drawing. Several people went home with copies of his book “The Ultimate Credit Repair Manual” and some obtained one on one sessions that included his personal financial training.
After the seminar ended people crowded and lined the hall to purchase their own copies of Warren’s book and/or his DVD’s entitled “Release the Dream”. Pastor Benson ensured audience members that Total Deliverance would see to it that Rod Warren would return again for a series of seminars.
When Warren was asked the main point he wanted attendees to receive that day, he replied, “There’s hope. If God can do it for me, he most certainly can do it for you.”
To see a list of services that Rod Warren has to offer, go to http://rodwarren.net.