School District Sues Gov. Newsom Over New Gender Identity Law

The southern California school district sued Gov. Gavin Newsom over Assembly Bill 1955, a law that bans educators from notifying parents about their child’s gender identity.

Gov. Newsom

By Bo Tefu, California Black Media

Last week, the Chino Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) and a group of parents were in a legal battle with the state.

The southern California school district sued Gov. Gavin Newsom over Assembly Bill 1955, a law that bans educators from notifying parents about their child’s gender identity. The law aims to protect transgender students against being forced to “come out” to their parents against their will. However, parents and school board members in Chino Valley argue that the law violates the parent’s rights under the United States Constitution.

The lawsuit listed Attorney General Robert Bonta, and California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond as defendants.

Emily Rae, a lawyer from the Liberty Justice Center representing the school district, said that parents have the right to protect their children and raise them based on trust.

“School officials do not have the right to keep secrets from parents, but parents do have a constitutional right to know what their minor children are doing at school,” said Rae in a statement defending the school district and concerned parents.

Izzy Gardon, a spokesperson for the governor said that the lawsuit is “deeply unserious” and argued that the new law preserves the relationship children have with their parents.

“We’re confident the state will swiftly prevail in this case,” she added.

President of the council Jonathan Keller said that the law violates the rights of parents and disrupts gender roles in society.

“This bill undermines their fundamental role and places boys and girls in potential jeopardy,” said Keller in a statement supporting the CVUSD.

“Moms and dads have both a constitutional and divine mandate to guide and protect their kids, and AB 1955 egregiously violates this sacred trust,” he stated.