Tayari Howard Officiates 7,000th EVENT

Tayari Howard

It’s hard to imagine anyone serving as a Master of Ceremonies over 7,000 events and it would generally take quite a few years to do so. However, Radio Veteran turned Entrepreneur, Tayari Howard officiated the San Diego Chapter of the National Black Police Association’s 2014 Prayer Breakfast this past Friday at the Handlery Hotel in Hotel Circle.

The milestone event was marked by members of the San Diego Chaper of the National Black Police Association (BPOA), making him an honorary lifetime member of the San Diego Chapter and the only civilian representing the media to be awarded such an honor.

SDPD Captain Tony McElroy told the packed to capacity audience Tayari had accepted the role of Master of Ceremonies beginning in 2008 and had officiated the Prayer Breakfast for the past three years. “Each time we called upon him, he was always there for us,” McElroy said.

Tayari actually worked for the San Diego Police Department in a volunteer capacity from 1990 to 1994 in a special program known as “Volunteers in Policing,” (V.I.P.), and was assigned to the Skyline Command Office under former Police Captain Leslie Lord working in Media Relations.

The voluntary role afforded him the opportunity to write and photograph stories covering Neighborhood Policing and special units such as the Bicycle Patrol Unit, the Gang Suppression Detail, the ABLE Unit (Helicopters), and various Recruiting and Community events as well as countless ride-alongs.

Since his radio career began back in 1972, Tayari recollects some of the most promising events in his career including the “Kool Jazz Festivals, Gold Coast

Classic Football Series & Battle of the Bands,” and “the Encanto Cultural Arts Festivals.”  In 1982, he joined Juande Ragsdale Blevins, Mr. Bob Grant and the National Cultural Foundation as a “Backup” Parade Announcer for the Dr. Martin Luther King Parade and has now officiated in the capacity as “Parade Announcer” for the past thirty-two years.

Other organizational events he has officiated include multiple United Negro College Fund “Evening of the Stars” and “Super Viewing Party events, Co-Chair of the Dr. Martin Luther King Annual Human Dignity Award Breakfast put on by the County YMCA’S, the Sheila E. Hardin Multi-Cultural Festivals and the Voice & Viewpoint Anniversary.

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Added to his list of events that he has served as Master of Ceremonies are the NAACP, BAPAC, the Urban League of San Diego County, Boys & Girls Clubs of San Diego, the Crossroads Foundation, the Salvation Army, Joan Kroc Center, San Diego Regional Minority Supplier Development Council, World Refugee Day, Southeast Merchants Association, San Diego Black Nurses Association, Operation K.I.D.S., the Children’s Health & Arts Festivals, Moms Who Care, the Smooth Jazz 98.1 KIFM Anniversary Festivals and the “Lites Out Lounge Host” at Humphreys.

All total, more than thirty different charitable organizations have recruited Tayari since 1972 culminating into 7,000 events, more than 10,000 radio on air hours and forty-two years of broadcasting.

Tayari can be seen as one of the Master of Ceremonies during Memorial Day Weekend at the Payne Pest Management San Diego Jazz Festival or visit the website at www.tayarimediagroup.com