By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher
From this week moving forward, there will be much said about the efforts to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom. It’s almost strange that such a recall would come at a time during which the state has its biggest surplus budget in history. While it is always good to look at the issues presented as reason for the recall, it must be remembered that this has been in the works for quite some time. Let’s look at the real story.
We know that the Republican Party wants the governorship of the state of California. We know from looking at those states that now have Republican governors that one of their first orders of business in any legislative body is “voter suppression,” like what we have seen in the 22 states that have already passed such laws since the 2020 election.
We know that although California has a democratically controlled Senate and Assembly, there is still much damage that a Republican governor could do, as evidenced by the states of Florida and Texas.
We know that business is made with the Governor over the shutdowns during the pandemic, and a number of other decisions, but none of which justify a recall other than giving an excuse to those who don’t want to wait until next year’s scheduled election to try for that office.
We also know that those same people seeking a recall are counting on Blacks and Latinos, in particular, not bothering to vote in an off year special election while Whites, many of whom are republicans, are expected to vote. As a matter of fact, those supporting the recall are counting on “us” not voting. This outcome is anticipated, even though there are more Democrats in California as registered voters than Republicans.
This week, ballots are being mailed out to each of the registered voters in the State of California and as of Monday, August 16, 2021, it is now possible to go to the Register of Voters and vote in person. Of all the names on the ballot, the most important item is the first question: Should the Governor be recalled? “Yes or No”. A “No” vote eliminates the need to go further, unless one wants to consider one of the many candidates seeking the job.
For African Americans and Blacks, this is an opportunity to make a statement: Our votes matter. Every vote counts. We can influence, if not determine, the outcome of this recall and we should vote as if our very lives depend on it.
Let’s not be persuaded, because at least one of the candidates in Black; and don’t vote for the former Mayor of San Diego just because you know his name. Remember, he was one of the Republicans supporting Donald Trump in the last election. And remember, those formerly incarcerated brothers and sisters now out of jail because they have served their time can now vote.
Yes, there is a lot more to this recall than meets the eyes. Let’s understand what’s at stake before we vote.
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