Dr. John Warren
Next week, a coalition of organizations including the San Diego Urban League, AAE and the MLK Democratic Club joined by the San Diego Voice & Viewpoint and Black Men United, will hold a Town Hall Meeting at the George Stevens Senior Center from 6 to 8pm. The Date is March 9th.
The meeting should be attended by all those who care about the future of public education in San Diego Unified Schools. The school district as most should know by now is facing massive budget deficit. Because schools are labor intensive (teachers and personnel serving children), the cuts mandated by such a deficit can only be addressed by reorganization and layoffs. Our challenge as a community is to make sure that such personnel changes do not adversely and disproportionately affect our children and personnel of color
For example, the Race Human Relations Department created in the past in respond to court mandated concerns for children of color, will be abolished under Superintendent Cindy Martin’s proposed budget cuts. Some concerns being expressed by members of the community center around the fact that there are very few African American males left in positions of influence in trouble shooting so many issues that otherwise could result in suspensions or expulsions. These issues are bigger than budget because they involve people. These are among the topics to be discussed as we look at reorganization and cut backs.
Perhaps you no longer have children or grandchildren, but you have friends and neighbors with children. They are entitled to a quality public education free of bias and racism. You cannot afford to ignore this issue. See you at the Town Hall Meeting.