When we were younger our mothers would place us on the floor between their laps, part our hair while we held the Sulfer 8 jar or Blue Magic jar in our hands and they would place the grease on our scalp. Sometimes they would even end it with a nice scalp massage. While the cool mentholated tingly feeling of the Sulfer 8 would heat up our head. Those were the days, but some of us are still living in those days. Are you still using grease on your scalp? Here’s why you shouldn’t and some pretty awesome alternatives.
Grease is a combination of petroleum and mineral oil which makes it heavy and concentrated. Grease should not be used on your scalp because it blocks pores, which can irritate your scalp, make your hair limp and lifeless, and cause all kind of unnecessary problems. All and all it is not the best thing for your scalp.
If you are looking for something to place on your scalp and hair I have a better solution. Try out an oil! Massaging oil into your scalp stimulates blood circulation and relaxes your body. Oil can give your hair extra shine, aid in adding moisture, counteract dandruff and dry scalp. Oil can condition your hair and prevent it from being brittle and dull. Here is a list of a few oils for you.
• Oil Based Sealant: Soybean oil, Grapeseed Oil, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil
• Light Sealant: Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil
• Itchy Scalp: Tea Tree Oil, Rosemary Oil
• Dry Scalp: Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Coconut Oil
• Moisturizing and softening oil: Safflower Oil, Castor Oil, Argan Oil, Grapeseed Oil
Let’s talk about why these oils work in our hair and what the benefits of them are.
• Avocado Oil: Loaded with nutrients, amino acids, as well as Vitamins such as A, B, D and E. It is excellent for moisturizing, deep conditioning, improving hair strength and shine.
• Coconut Oil: great for dry scalp and preventing dandruff. It is also great for promoting hair growth, thickening hair and preventing damage. It has good amounts of antioxidants, and vitamin E.
• Castor Oil: High Concentrated unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and proteins. Castor oil also aids in thickening of hair, promotes healthy hair growth, adds moisture, aids in reducing split ends and prevent scalp infections.
• Safflower Oil: Protects the hair, nourishes and moisturize hair follicles, stimulates blood circulation which aids in hair growth and thickness. Safflower oil is extremely beneficial for natural as well as dry chemically treated hair.
• Sweet Almond Oil: Is a great sealant which means it locks in the moisture, nourishes the hair, and smoothes the hair cuticles which controls the shedding.
• Tea Tree/Rosemary Oil: Both are an essential oil which can be used with any of the oils mentioned above. Both essential oils aid in stimulating blood flow, which helps in promoting hair growth. They are also amazing for preventing dandruff.
The great thing is that most of these oils will not break the bank if you shop around smart. You can also mix these oils together and have an oil mixture for your hair and also because these oils are moisturizing they are amazing for your skin as well.
I want to mention a couple of oils that not a lot of people talk about that are extremely beneficial to natural hair,
Neem Oil: Promotes shiny, healthy hair, combats dryness, prevents premature graying and may even help with some forms of hair loss. Neem oil also helps with psoriasis, eczema and more.
Monoi Oil: Monoi is like a better improved version of Coconut Oil. Monoi Oil is widely used among the Polynesians as a skin and hair softener. Women use it to nourish the hair and skin and protect it from the elements. Monoi oil has restorative properties that help strengthen the hair from the inside out and is incredible for preventing damage and breakage.
Take the time and try one or more of these oils and let us know what you think. Post and tag us in a photo of your favorite oil on Instagram @SDvoiceandviewpoint. Next week’s topic will be on Protective Styling. Send your questions to [email protected]