By Dr. John E. Warren/Publisher
Next week the San Diego Voice & Viewpoint and Black Men United will host a Pre-Election Town Hall Meeting at the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation. While the candidates who appear on the June 3rd ballot have been invited to attend, the real emphasis at this meeting will be on you, the citizen and voter, and to remind some of us of the importance of our vote. The meeting is not a Candidates Forum, but rather an opportunity for you to ask questions of those candidates who attend with the understanding that you will get short and specific answers. Those candidates who attend have one more chance to make an effort at getting your vote.
Black Men United will make a presentation on the existing “My Brothers Keeper” project which has been in our community since 2007 and operated in conjunction with Mohammed Mosque #8. In view of the President’s Initiative and the current discussion about funding for the new “My Brother’s Keeper Program”, it’s important for you the community to know what has already been done and without the funding now under discussion. The promise and possibility of “new money” must not become the basis for ignoring past efforts to accomplish the same goals.
This meeting will also provide an opportunity for us to hear from each other on an “open mike” in a forum for and about us; it will help us remember the connection between our issues and our opportunity to vote.
Like all of our Town Hall Meetings, this one will be from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation located at Market Creek. All issues of concern are fair game for open discussion, and candidates for all the positions on our ballot are only expected to stay if they choose to do so. For questions, call or email [email protected], call (619) 266-2233. We look forward to your presence and participation.