Sanya Gragg wears a lot of hats. She is a wife, mother of three, former social worker, and most recently an author.
Gragg published her first book Momma, Did You Hear the News? in April. The book is centered around “Little Avery,” a young boy who witnesses the police shooting of an unarmed Black man.
This traumatic incident prompts Avery’s parents to have “the talk” with him and his brother, but unlike your usual coming-of-age conversation, this talk is centered around what to do when you’re having an encounter with the police.
The aim of the book is to help teach young Black boys how to do just that. In the story, dad comes up with a simple catchy mantra for the boys to remember when they’re being approached by the police: “Memorize the 5.”
A – Always Use Your Manners
L – Listen and Comply
I – In Control of Your Emotions
V – Visible Hands Always
E – Explain Everything
These five practical steps are meant to help guide Black and brown boys through their interactions with police. All five steps are of equal importance but Gragg especially wanted to clarify step five. “Explain Everything refers to any movement you may make. As in if your ID is in your wallet explain that you need to reach for it,” she said.
Gragg also throws a rhyme in there to help it really stick, “A to the L to the I-V-E, come home ALIVE, that is the key!”
“Momma, Did You Hear the News?” reached #1 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases in the Children’s Prejudice and Racism category and is currently sitting at #34 in the “Growing Up & Facts of Life,” Children’s Book category on Amazon. It also boasts a perfect rating of 5 stars.
In the book Gragg also makes references to the killings of Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice. Little Avery says to his parents, “One boy was eating skittles. Dad, I like to eat them too!” and “One boy was holding his toy gun.”
Although “Momma, Did You Hear the News?” was designed for readers between the ages of 4 and 8, the book tackles a heavy matter and addresses a serious concern for a lot people within the Black community.
Read the entire story here.