By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Newspaper
Assistant San Diego Police Chief Scott Wahl, a 25 year veteran, has been confirmed by the San Diego City Council as the next Chief of Police. His appointment becomes official as of the June retirement of current chief, David Nisleit. Although the Mayor engaged in a process that “allowed 21 community leaders to vet the finalists”, the process should not stop there.
There has been much discussion about the new chief meeting with “community leaders”. While this sounds like a noble idea, it is flawed.
No group of people or individuals in San Diego have been elected or designated as “community leaders” other than those who hold elected office. To criticize the new Chief for meeting with some individuals while at the same time proposing that he meet with other individuals so designated by a different group of people is wrong.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint proposes that the new Chief of Police hold a series of community Town Hall meetings for the express purpose of hearing directly from the citizens of San Diego. Because of his 25 years of service, he already knows the communities and the people who live in them. Such a meeting would go a very long way in establishing his personal connection in a way in which his predecessors did not, in spite of their longevity on the San Diego Police force.
To Chief Wahl, we would say, beware of those who would present themselves to you as leaders and spokespersons for others when there is no sign that they have been so ordained. When in doubt, talk to the people directly. Above all, try to weed out those officers who don’t seem to understand that the key is to treat others as you would like to be treated. A little respect, for those who still don’t know this, still goes a long way.
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