By Vayunamu Bawa
With the rise of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), residents of San Diego County are following the State of California’s order to stay at home except for necessary activities.
The grassroots group We All We Got SD, which operates in Kumeyaay territories, is mobilizing community efforts to address the urgent needs that are arising in the time of this epidemic. We All We Got SD identifies as a non-judgemental group that exists to provide community support—not charity but solidarity.
Running solely on volunteer efforts, We All We Got SD is cultivating a community where resources and services are exchanged. This mutual aid organizing headed by local activists has been a quick and efficient way to address the concerns present in this Coronavirus pandemic such as finances, health, and safety, among others.
Below is a list of Community Resources from We All We Got SD:
Food Service Sites Open During School Closures for any child 18 or younger:
Feeding San Diego Covid-19 Emergency Food Distribution Sites
San Diego Youth Services Storefront 619-325-3527
Youth Assistance Coalition SD 619-458-6588
San Diego Youth Services Storefront 619-325-3527
Youth Assistance Coalition SD 619-458-6588
Executive Order to Protect Renters and Homeowners During COVID-19 Pandemic
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3223
Disability Benefits/Paid Sick Leave
Immigrant/Undocumented Community:
Access to Health Care for Immigrants and Their Families
Healthcare access for Undocumented Folks in the Time of COVID19
Tangible Support for Undocumented Communities During COVID-19
COVID-19 Resources For Undocumented Californians
LGBTQ+ Community:
Safe STAY Shelter Youth aged 18-24. 619-694-6182
SD Pride COVID-19 LGBTQ Community Resources and Support
Home Schooling:
San Diego Unified School District K-12 Online Learning Tools
Support Group with Experienced Homeschoolers
Low cost or free internet service and computers
Relief Funds for Service Workers:
USBG National Charity Foundation – Bartender Emergency Assistance Program
National Domestic Workers Alliance Coronavirus Care Fund