Annual Black Breastfeeding Week Celebration at Valencia Park Elementary

"Breastfeeding is a huge advantage," Lisa from Global Communications shared. "[Breastfeeding] reduces infant mortality, infant illness, helps children perform better in school

PHOTOS: Darrel Wheeler

By Voice and Viewpoint Staff and Darrel Wheeler, Contributing Writer

Advocates for all things Black breastfeeding-related joined forces last Saturday from 11 AM to 2 PM at Valencia Park Elementary School for their Annual Black Breastfeeding Week Celebration.

Whether they drove through or walked up, the mothers of the Skyline and surrounding Southeastern communities could get any of their questions answered by certified experts and even received a free “Swag Bag” loaded with breastfeeding and infant care goodies. 

JIREH Providers, the Health and Human Services Black Infant Health Program (BIH), Healthy Start Global Communities and Blue Shield of California were some of the organizations that met at the school’s parking lot in solidarity to bring awareness to the Black breastfeeding experience and its overwhelming advantages to the baby and mother.  

“Breastfeeding is a huge advantage,” Lisa from Global Communications shared. “[Breastfeeding] reduces infant mortality, infant illness, helps children perform better in school and it reduces illnesses to the woman doing the breastfeeding, like diabetes and cancer. There’s such a big racial disparity in Black breastfeeding and we want to bring attention to it,” Lisa continued.

A limited amount of gift bags were also reserved for BIH, Healthy Start, and WIC clients who didn’t have transportation but wanted to attend the celebration. 

Black Breastfeeding Week, celebrated August 25th through the 31st, is an awareness initiative highlighting over 40 years of disparities in breastfeeding rates among Black women and challenges that are unique to breastfeeding within the Black community. To celebrate Black Breastfeeding Week on your own, informing yourself and others of the importance of breastfeeding and sharing the stories of Black breastfeeding women is a great way to participate. Supporting the women in your community with the tools to breastfeed is also a great way to celebrate the Week and beyond! 


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