Another Needless American Tragedy


By Dr. John E. Warren Publisher

Today we acknowledge that more Americans have died from this coronavirus than all the 58,365 soldiers killed in the nearly two decades of the Vietnam War. This is in less than three months. We are learning each day that the rising death toll is a tragedy that in large part could be reduced or maybe even avoided if we had national leadership in the form of a President who truly cares.

For African Americans, watching a nation refuse to take corrective action in the face of a crisis is not new. Black people have been living in a crisis since the Emancipation Proclamation. We have been denied all the rights so readily given to others in terms of segregation in housing, employment, healthcare and equal protection of the laws. Now, we are watching a nation suffer a lack of resources and support for our healthcare and front line workers who are attempting to save lives without the resources and support that the Federal government should be providing to the states. People of all races are dying needlessly. There is a lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), financial support and, unfortunately, some state leadership that is a mirror reflection of the current President and his politics in the face of a crisis.

Perhaps it will fall upon those of us who have lived through needless crises before to provide the strength that others will need when faced with the reality of those in power not really caring about the rest of us. Today we see the numbers of those who are hit the hardest with positive COVID-19 cases and deaths. We can change those numbers by following the directive of Stay-at-Home (if you can), Social Distancing, Wearing a Face Mask when out, and not following the lead of people we see on television returning to things such as gatherings, events and services that can increase exposure and infections.

A very special thanks to the many volunteers working all the food distribution sites and giving tirelessly of themselves with their service. If you have a story that can encourage others, please share with us and we will do the same.

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