By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
The end of a year or a day is often a time of reflection on both what has been done and what could have been done better. While we can’t redo yesterday, there is much ahead that we can plan for and impact in terms of tomorrow. In our homes, neighborhoods, towns, cities and states, there is room for improvement and change. The question is will we be a participant or a spectator? We can all be participants by getting involved in the issues around us and impacting the lives of ourselves and others.
In the year 2022, we are not only facing the continuation of the COVID virus, but also changes in both the electoral process and the opportunity to change those who hold office but have worked against our common good. We must register to vote because our lives literally depend on it. We must learn the impact of changes in our electoral districts because so many of us have been gerrymandered out of political power and influence and we must reach out to our brothers and sisters in other states to help them where possible.
But before all of this, we must learn to respect each other as we would have others respect us and we must learn to work together even when we can’t see our own personal interest in the issue. So often, it’s about helping others and in doing so, we help ourselves. Starting and ending each day with prayer and the question as to whether we have done something to help somebody other than ourselves is a good place to start. Be blessed this new year, whether or not you are happy, and good things shall follow.