Bad and Bougie: Black Women Are Taking Up Space in Luxurious Living

Historically, Black communities have been kept from enjoying the finer things in life — but these women say all Black people deserve to live the lives they dream of.


By Sherri Kolade, Michigan Chronicle, Word in Black

We are here for Black women living lavishly and in luxury and they are bad and bougie in the best way. From doctors and lawyers to stay-at-home women and teachers, everyone is welcome to gather their things and themselves and join the luxe life, which is really all about mindset – plus a cute outfit to boot. agrees.

“While luxury may often be associated with expensive, extravagant products and experiences, for some, it runs much deeper than materialism — it’s how you perceive it,” according to the woman-centric outlet. “For Black women who weren’t always welcome in these spaces, luxury is doing what makes you happy and permitting yourself to enjoy them, whether that’s spending your hard-earned dollars on designer fashion or simply treating yourself to some ‘you’ time.”