By Edward Henderson
The safety and security of corporate America can be a dream killer to the creative mind. The steady pay coupled with the illusionary benefits of linking money to happiness are the weapons aimed at our true passions. Taking a leap of faith into the unknown world of entrepreneurship or service takes bravery and a true sense of calling. Ramona Flowers, founder of DREAMbuilders Youth Mentoring Network, summoned the courage from within to leave the comfort of her corporate job to dive head first into her calling and dedication to service youth in Southeast.
Flowers achieved her bachelors in Business Administration and Masters in Management. Excelling in public speaking, she moved on to her corporate life dabbling in contract analyzation for companies and the County of San Diego.
“I’ve learned a lot from my corporate training, but I wasn’t fulfilled.” said Flowers. “I decided to take that leap into my DREAMbuilders idea because I knew I had a lot I could offer to youth. I’m passionate about a completed streak for young people, not just a road that gets them a degree but no job.”
DREAMbuilders is a community youth organization focused on educating, equipping, and encouraging young adults (ages 12 to 18) to become strong, focused, and determined individuals advancing their life dreams and goals. Their motto is to inspire young adults to “drive their life to its highest destinations.” The organization began in 2005 when Flowers decided to leave corporate America. DREAMbuilders’ primary focus is to install their youth leadership program in middle and high schools, community youth programs, and faith-based organizations in North County and San Diego County communities.
From this success path, their first program was launched called Driven 2 Win: A Personal Development and Youth Leadership System. The program utilizes a 20-lesson curriculum to educate, equip, and engage youth in successful life principles using driving as an analogy to life concepts. Youth are taught how to construct a six goal personal performance plan, which is represented by the steering wheel. The six steering wheel goals are: Personal Development, Education (life learning), Healthy Relationships, Health, Nutrition and Fitness, Financial Responsibility and Community Involvement.
The cornerstone of the Driven 2 Win Program is preparing youth to write down their three-to-six month goals with the support of peer and career and business mentors, which reinforce these commitments through skill-development webinars, video sessions, and field trips. The Driven 2 Win Personal Development Curriculum and Motivational Book (Are You Driven to Win? A Roadmap for Young People to Succeed in Life) will be published this summer.
August 2-27th youth ages 12 to 21 DREAMbuilders will host a Leadership Institute utilizing the Driven 2 Win curriculum along with others to expose young people to a completed educational path to equip them with life skills. Youth also have an opportunity to make money and put their skills into action at the organizations monthly Sunday Bruch Jazz Event at the Alpha Center 1st Sundays.
“Every youth has a dream and purpose,” said Flowers. “Every youth desires to unlock the dreams of their lives and experience personal satisfaction. They just need the right guidance to be empowered and understand their true potential.”
Visit www.dreambuilders4life.org for registration information.