Encanto Little league Celebrating 67 years of Community Service

Little League Baseball, at its best, at the same location on 1121 Klauber Ave for 67 years.

PHOTOS Darrel Wheeler

By Darrel Wheeler

A month after opening day, Encanto-Skyline teams are in full “Hey! (batter-batter)” swing-mode and ready to compete.

Encanto Little League has been a big part of the community’s landscape for 67 exciting years as they now include the Skyline area as part of their District 66 make up. They will be exchanging curve balls, grand-slams, double-plays and strike-outs with Lemon Grove, Southeastern, SD American and Las Palmas for some thrilling inter-league action.

The Gray’s are a team of 10, 11, and 12-year-old Majors, under the direction of community treasure Mike Ivy. Mr. Ivy is a living baseball encyclopedia with an urgent desire to share his passion and knowledge of the game.

His commitment to his community is undeniable after three decades of service to the boys and girls of Encanto Little League.

“What we like to do here is teach sportsmanship and fundamentals of the game. It’s not all about wins and loses, but we do want to show them how to win and lose with dignity,” Mr. Ivy shared. “We want them to have some fun, make life-long friends, be the best they can be, and also respect the game and be good students and good people.”

Little League Baseball, at its best, at the same location on 1121 Klauber Ave for 67 years.