News Release
Mayor Encourages Creativity and Innovation from Workforce of 10,000
San Diego, CA – Today Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer delivered a video message to City employees, thanking them for their hard work and urging them to share their ideas for improving City operations.
“If you have an idea on how we could do things better, I want to hear from you,” Faulconer said. “If there’s something I can do to make it easier for you to do your job, I want to know. It’s time that creativity and innovation are rewarded at the City.”
Faulconer said he needs the help of each and every City worker to create a world-class City government that provides the best possible service to San Diegans. Faulconer said he plans to make new and exciting changes in the coming months that revitalize neighborhoods and foster economic prosperity.
“It’s all part of my goal to let the entire country know we’re open for business in San Diego,” Faulconer said. “And when we’re successful, our local economy will grow and generate the revenue that provides the resources to do the best possible job.”
Faulconer added, “And I want you to hear directly from me that as our economy improves I will be looking to restore the cuts that have been part of past budgets so that you have the tools to succeed.”
Faulconer’s video message can be viewed here: http://youtu.be/GL7POzFF0Yw
The full text of Faulconer’s message is below:
“Hi. I’m Kevin Faulconer. I’m looking forward to sharing these video messages with you – our City employees – on a regular basis.
I’d like to start by thanking City Council President Todd Gloria for his recent leadership. He guided our City with compassion, care and poise over the past six months during a very difficult time.
Together with the leadership of our City Attorney Jan Goldsmith and the City Council, our City is moving forward.
I’d also like to thank you – our City employees – for continuing to serve our City under such trying circumstances. Your hard work and dedication hasn’t gone unnoticed.
I’m going to need the help of each and every one of you to create a world-class City government.
We’re going to do that by providing the best possible service to our fellow San Diegans. We’re going to respond promptly and efficiently to their needs and concerns. And with every positive interaction, we’ll take another step toward ensuring trust and confidence in City Hall.
I will work with you to provide the tools and support necessary to proudly serve the citizens of our great City.
If you have an idea on how we could do things better, I want to hear from you.
If there’s something I can do to make it easier for you to do your job, I want to know.
It’s time that creativity and innovation are rewarded at the City.
I’ve already been in touch with department directors and labor leaders about their ideas for improving City government. We’re going to roll out some new and exciting changes over the coming months.
Right now, we’re developing the 2015 budget with a primary focus on infrastructure, public safety and homelessness. We’re going to prioritize street repairs. We’re going to focus on the recruitment and retention of officers in our Police Department. And we’re going to implement policies that will compassionately and cost-effectively help our homeless neighbors.
We’re also going to get to work on long-range goals like improving emergency response times throughout the City and expanding after-school programs at our libraries and recreation centers.
We’re going to create ‘Economic Opportunity Districts’ that will encourage revitalization of our older neighborhoods. They will attract private investment so every community has the grocery stores, restaurants, shops and affordable housing our families need.
It’s all part of my goal to let the entire country know we’re open for business in San Diego. And when we’re successful, our local economy will grow and generate the revenue that provides the resources to do the best possible job.
And I want you to hear directly from me that as our economy improves, I will be looking to restore the cuts that have been part of past budgets so that you have the tools to succeed.
This is an exciting time to be living and working in San Diego. The opportunity for a fresh start is here.
There is no challenge that is too big for our City to handle. And there is no task too difficult for our City employees to accomplish.
We’re united in this effort, and I look forward to working alongside all of you.
Let’s get San Diego working again – together.”