By Contributing Writer
The Calvary Baptist Church of San Diego, California under the leadership of Dr. Emanuel Whipple, Sr. after 130 years that the church has been in existence there is a shifting in the paradine. Calvary Baptist Church officers and members are supporting their Pastor to embrace and welcome Rev. Jeraldine Jackson to the ministry and to the pulpit. Rev. Jeraldine Jackson is the first ordained female to join Calvary and serve as an associate minister at Calvary.

She was licensed in 1997 and ordained in 1999 under the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Frederick G. Sampson, Senior Pastor of The Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan. Rev. Jackson re-located to Houston, Texas from Detroit, Michigan in 2007. She is a member of The Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church where Dr. Marcus D. Cosby is Senior Pastor. She served in various capacities at Wheeler Avenue including member of The Clergy Team, Evangelism, First Aide Care, etc. Until she re-located to San Diego, California professionally, Rev. Jackson is a registered nurse. She holds both Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees in Nursing. She holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland Ohio. Rev. Jackson is Director of Nursing Education and Professional Development at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in San Diego, California. Dr. Whipple stated that it’s time to move from the past and fulfill and new freshness at Calvary with a Pentecostal Movement in a Baptist body, “It’s Our Time”!