SPRING VALLEY, N.Y. — A husband and wife thought to be Rockland County’s oldest married couple will celebrate their birthdays this weekend — with a combined age of 212.
Duranord Veillard will turn 108 on Saturday while his wife of 82 years, Jeanne, turns 105 in May.
The couple plan to celebrate a milestone few others will see with family, friends and well-wishers at their home, where they live with a daughter, Marie Eveillard.
The son of a fisherman, Duranord Veillard was born Feb. 28, 1907, in St. Louis du Sud and grew up in Les Cayes in southern Haiti.
He studied law and lived in Port-au-Prince. The couple tied the knot in November 1932 — the same month Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in landslide victory over Herbert Hoover and Groucho Marx performed on radio for the first time.